ALOHA – No alcohol in everyday life
ALOHA is a group offer for young people and adolescents (male as well as female) aged between 16 and 21 years who show precarious drinking habits. The course focuses on the critical reflection of the own drinking behaviour, on information about the dangers of risky consumption of alcohol and on the development of strategies to control one’s own consumption.
The course comprises 12 group sessions (max. ten participants) and three interlocutions on an individual basis. The sessions take place once a week in the evening (duration: two hours).
ALOHA is divided into three modules
- Module 1: information brokering and facing up to the individual consumerist behaviour
- Module 2: bodywork, experiential education
- Module 3: risk competence
The particular youth welfare office has to decide if a young person needs assistance and it has to confirm that support is necessary.
The youth welfare offices involved are: Augsburg City, District of Augsburg, District of Aichach-Friedberg.